Book Hippo

Saturday, August 18, 2012

September Trip

It's nice to get a new car. I don't drive, but my room mate bought a very old Mercedes-Benz and fixed it all up. It's wonderful car without any of the rust and smoke of the old Le Baron he had. To celebrate our new car, he's thinking of taking me on a trip in the fall.

Originally he wanted to go to North Dakota, he likes the geology of that area and I've never seen it but I don't have time to get a passport so that's out. We'll probably end up going to northern Ontario and I'm looking forward to it.

I think I'll suggest Kakabecka Falls. My family was there over fifty years ago and for my sister it's one of her best memories. Then there's Thunder Bay, where I was born 54 years ago. It'll be cool up there in September but I like the cool air.

Maybe the leaves will be turning their colours and we will have great scenery for the whole trip, see a moose and we'll stay in lakeside resorts, not campsites.

I'm looking so forward to my tip and I'll be sure to write it up on my blog to share with you all.

Meanwhile, if you feel like a short read of horror, you can buy The Mountain City Bronzes for only 99 cents.
Here's the link:

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